

  • Interactive icons to display text, photos, and videos
  • Detailed drawings to showcase amenities
  • Interior and exterior display to showcase pools and landscaping
  • Room labels for accuracy
  • URL or iframe code provided
  • Provided in multiple formats including .png, .jpg, and .pdf


Floor plans communicate essential information to potential buyers about the layout and accessibility of for-sale properties. Knowing the arrangement of bedrooms and living spaces is important for buyers, and being able to communicate the layout is essential to your role as a real estate agent. Two dimensional floor plans are a simple and effective way to provide your clients with more information about the property they are interested in purchasing. They will view you as a more informed and knowledgeable agent when you provide them with floor plans from CartoBlue.

Get Started:

Contact CartoBlue for a consultation and pricing. Our project team will work with you to identify your full requirements and provide specific pricing. We will send a professional surveyor to measure your properties. With the measurements, we create interactive floor plans for your properties that can be used in sales pitches, print marketing, or Web site listings.